Monday, March 2, 2009

March 2, 2009 @ 6:14am

Today's affirmation: The gifts of the Spirit spill out through me daily as peace, joy, wisdom, intelligence, healing, and love. I release my good into life each day. I hold nothing back, for I know I am replenished by the divine wellspring.
I read this book that I expected to not be very good but ended up being quite interesting and evocative. I'll give props to the writer Cheryl Robinson and her book "If It ain't One Thing." There's that song that says, if it ain't one thing, it's another and black folks we know all to well this familiar phrase, almost too well. It's almost like, it is every black person's anthem, forget about the other so called black anthem. It was enlightening and informative because she dealt with the issue of AIDS, homosexuality and child abandonment. I did nothing on yesterday except read her book, it was food for my soul and my body because I didn't eat anything, I couldn't put the book down and I thought I wouldn't get into it because it's in that romance genre which I avoid at all cost. I recognize the reason why I avoid romance is because I want some romance in my life. However, I will say I learned a whole bunch about the craft of writing, the ways in which you can shift voices. Cheryl changed the point of view in sections of her book, I had seen this before but hadn't really paid attention, this time I was very engaged in this crafty literary technique. She taught me about segues in a way I hadn't been able to articulate or comprehend and there is this notion about coming into a scene at a certain point and getting out of it. Basically the role of the author is to only report what's interesting and what adds drama and pertinent to the story, this book helped me to identify those types of scenes and where to begin and end. I hadn't meant to read the book for craft, I thought craft was only in a Toni Morrison novel but this writer took the difficulty of these craft lessons and made them palpable.
It's Monday morning and I feel fantanbulous, I feel alive and well rested, I had a good night of sleep. I had a dream that I was in a swimming pool with a male lover and we were attempting to be sexually intimate but for some reason it wasn't working out. It was a bizzarre set of circumstances but all I could focus on was not being able to have sex and I woke up in frustration which in the land of dream interpretation could be a literal interpretation of how I'm feeling sexually but at the root of the whole dream, I get the feeling that it wasn't time and/or it wasn't the right person. This notion of water is important to me as I am an Aquarius with a strong pull toward water, ocean and rivers. I love water and I have an above average sex drive, so when the two come together in a dream it's interesting to me, it makes me take pause and think.
I'm feeling a shift in my life, a change in priorities and a sincere drive to honor my most intimate and internal desires. To be what I've always wanted to be. It feels easier than it ever has, I feel this place from which I move is full of everything I need. I'm intrigued by the serenity I experience each day and the peace of mind that opens up space for creativity and perfect clarity. I'm enjoying life more than ever and I'm happier.
I am perfect and I am whole and I am complete. I LOVE ME.

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