Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 3, 2009 @ 6:48am

Good Morning Tuesday! As God's beloved, I bow and pay homage to every dimension of my life in recognition that each sacred One has guided me into the arms of my God. Affirmation from www.scienceofmind.com.
In this moment I am content and enjoying the actions that I take in support of my personal goals. More than anything I'm happy with who I am. I am realizing that this journey called life is full of moments that are compelling, some are disorienting and some are simply openings full of consciousness and full of knowing at a level that is beyond the physical realm.
I discovered something about myself that surprised me yesterday. I tapped into an area of creativity that is off-centered from social norms and yet the thought of focusing on this endeavor felt invigorating. I've loved writing and honestly, I hadn't ever planned on writing about sex but it the area that I seem to be successful in and I'm interested in exploring the conversation about sex with black people. I feel as if the topic continues to evade the community, we continue to ignore what is right in front of our faces and I get the feeling that people have separated God from sex. I want to create a place for people to reconcile with sex, sexuality and sexual orientation.
My thoughts are all over he place, actually they are not. I am thinking about how do I show up in my moments better. How can I be an expression for good and love and what's right? That is my goal. I think that I will keep things short today, perhaps ponder some thoughts later.
I am perfect and I am whole and I am complete. I LOVE ME.

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