Monday, April 13, 2009

Thoughts On War

I can't help but think that if the world were run by women, we would be closer to world peace. I try to tell myself that using violence in a defense mode is appropriate but the truth is this, violence begets more violence no matter how, why or when.
So on yesterday I was watching some documentaries on military operations, more specifically there was an episode about special operations, secret under cover military forces with no real oversight yet they receive medals of honor. what hurt me the most with these special ops guys were their arrogance and the shear aggressive force they would use when they deemed it necessary. In one instance, the group took over a home, yeah the home belonged to the so called enemy but the home was also the only place for the enemies family. The special ops were telling the woman, the wife of the enemy that she will simply have to deal with the situation because her husband is a wanted man and they are going to use the house as their home. You could see the frustration in the woman's eyes and she was near tears and I thought to myself, how could they just go into another country and displace this woman and her family, even if her husband is the one they are chasing, what gives them the right to do that and why was this situation so acceptable to mainstream society. I was outraged when I learned of all this and I got the feeling that I was the only one. And what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
I can stand the thought of use of violence, I struggle to look at violence on television. I turn my face, cover my eyes and the anticipation of a violent act sends my blood pressure to the roof. Real or imagined I can't stand it, I can't stomach the idea and this is why I back off when people are mean or seem prone to aggressive behavior, I am not the least bit interested in finding out what they might do. And it was no picnic when I encountered physical abuse in a relationship, unlike most I left right after the first instance but I could see first hand that my well being was no longer of importance to this individual. And for the life of me I can't seem to understand why this person needed to hurt me this way. And to boot, the individual had the audacity to contact me recently. I thought to myself why in the world would I for one second call them or be in contact with them again. I know misery loves company but abusive people are disillusioned and deeply disturbed with their own thoughts. Luckily I'm not stupid or desperate.
I keep saying that men need to back off and figure out how to use their aggression in more meaningful ways. And the war they wage is really a reflection of the war they wage inside themselves and that's why spiritual enlightenment is the key to rescuing them from themselves.
We live in this free world where we enact laws to keep violence out of our daily lives yet it's perfectly reasonable to inflict violence on other countries in the name of democracy. I don't get it and the hypocrisy. How is it that the psycho-social contract suggests that we as human beings should talk, communicate through our struggles with one another but it's perfectly sane to drop bombs on other people, most of whom are innocent. I get the feeling that democracy is a lie, has not lived up to its creed and is the excuse military uses to inflict violence on others. I say that this use of violence for so called good or not is wrong and inappropriate in a day when technology allows us to communicate with other people and it's a medium by which we can reach some kind of consensus or at least attempt to understand one another. Democracy is like the Bible, it is the mechanism by which groups of people get to say they are right while categorically deciding that others are wrong.
I read the other day that President Obama wanted more money for the war and I was deeply hurt but not surprised. In his campaign he championed military use all along which is why is some ways he seemed like a good candidate but in this way I felt distanced from the man. I could see that he couldn't be all things and I could see that men, with their physiological disposition for aggression, namely in quantity of testosterone that pulsates through their body, inevitable makes them susceptible to violence. Aren't we tired of violence in this world? It's a mute question when I see the kinds of movies that people attend in epic volumes and that's the reason why people can't tell the difference between good treatment and violent treatment, there is a blur for people who think its okay or at least tolerable. I can't really talk intelligibly about violence and war because it disgust me and makes me sad for the victims of such nonsense. I see no reason to wage war, not even in defense because I believe in a greater power, this power is mightier than human might and I've got to know intuitively that something can be done but in a non-violent way. The world we live in is so violent from the way we talk to one another, to the way we push had shove on the streets, the way we drive, the way we respond to those around us when things don't go our way, to the television we watch, to the habit of war that plagues the world. I contend that what we need is some TLC, a return to gentleness and respect for person. I beg without any force or need for action, that we use our hearts combined with our minds to resolve the conflicts of humanity. I think its time we moved out of the Age of Reason and into the Age of Compassion or something like this because our minds have gone amok much like a computer virus, we have infected the way humans interact and it's only digging us deeper and deeper into a hole. A hole where the planet will turn on us because of our violence, neglect and greed. But I hold out with hope, I hold out for the moment when chaos reigns supreme and we are forced to find better solutions. Call me crazy, call me ridiculously optimistic, call me whatever but I can envision a better planet with people who cohabit with love. I refuse to give in because the majority believes otherwise, I refuse to give up hope because all signs indicate otherwise and I refuse to believe that violence can serve some purpose, it has only caused havoc and mayhem. I trust humanity to awake from this digitized hypnotic slumber and take control of what's left of their lives. War is not the answer and war is the solution, so I beg of humanity to embrace this simple concept and bring about a world of peace, love and joy.
I am perfect and I am whole and I am complete. I LOVE ME!

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