Thursday, April 2, 2009

April2, 2009 @ 8:05am

Science of Mind's affirmation for today is: Today I meditate, pray, and practice the presence of the divine Spirit within me.
This notion of practicing the presence of spirit within me should be relatively easy but I'm learning that it takes a certain effort to really focus on the spirit within. It really takes a concerted effort to use one's mind to effectively maneuver the day. So much comes at you and what tends to happen with me is that I react in my normal defensive ways and I fail to exhibit my enlightenment. Although I'm getting better, I still have these bouts of cursing at drivers who don't control their cars the way I want them to or the teller who just stands there and doesn't say hello or anything. Or the guy that nearly knocks you down when you're trying to go inside the same building. It just seems as if everyone has to be first and no one displays acts of courtesy but then I realize that their behavior is not about me is about their own relationship with spirit. When I am in consciousness of the presence of spirit it is so much easier to love, be patient and use mental guide post that stir me toward the good. It has taken me time, so it stands to reason that it will take others time as well.
I'm seriously thinking of continuing my education, now there I said it. I've tight lipped about this because I wasn't sure if it was something I really wanted to do but I think it's time for me to move in the direction of my soul plus I'm feeling that with the strong possibility of a job change, this might be the perfect time. For the first time in my life I feel this ability to shift my career in a certain direction and more overly my ability to stick with it. I haven't honored the commitments that I have made to myself and the time is right for me to finally do that, for me to know that I am worthy of achieving some of my own personal goals and to know that it's not too late. I fight back the voices in my head that say I'm too old and I spend a good amount of time dissuading the voices that say I can't when I know good and well that I can.
There is a excited current of energy running through me and I'm riding the wave. I feel that this is a good time for me to really focus on what I want, what is going to make me feel in synch with my particular gifts and talents and I want this sense of accomplishment, a sense of giving back and sense of doing something that makes the world better. I want to make the world healthier, more peaceful and more loving. Now I'm not sure if my job is going to accomplish all that but I want my day to day living to be in the spirit of making things more positive. As much as I want things to be better, I'm also open to the process and understandig the time it will take, the transitions that will need to occur and the complex ways in which the journey will unfold. I have no preconcieved notion about how things will play themselves out but I will veer on the side of optimism always believing that good can come out of most situations in it's own time. The more I live the more I learn and the more I learn the less I know but the more confident I am in the possibilities for the future. However, I focus on the moment, enjoy what is right now, finding splendor in the simple things and taking note of the presence of spirit within. It's been a long journey for me and in the word's of an old gospel song, "I don't feel no ways tired, I've come to far from where I started from and nobody told me that the road would be easy but I DON"T believe God brought me this far to leave me."
I am perfect and I am whole and I am complete. I LOVE ME!

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